Saturday, October 20, 2007

*Gam Dong*

Thanks to all of you to take time out for me to celebrate my birthday!
Really glad that you all made it and had fun!
Thank You!!!

Thanks mummy and daddy for helping me so much on the food and stuff.
The fruit tarts were great man!dad is the best!
I think nobody got enough of the fruit tarts, i already started craving for them!
I wanna thank my mama aka god mum for the catering and use of the location,without you all would not had been possible.
Thanks alot alot for being my photographer and setting up!
Really appreciate you bring the tripod stand and stuff!
Im at your disposal on your birthday next sunday!

I really had hell of a great time!
Next time i will reduce the alcohol and ban shot glasses haha....
drink wine instead....
To me time really flies on that day and i think i was tipsy most of the time...
Not fair i wanna be sober to enjoy the party...
I even went in the ladies toilet, gosh was shock when i saw a lady drying her hair when i came out of the cubicle!
and i managed to survive to go zouk!yay!
but that day the phuture music was not tat fantastic but its stil fun!

I love my presents!
Thank you all!
Love every single one of you!
Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!
Stay tuned for the photos!

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