Saturday, December 29, 2007


It seems that everytime i blog its a few entries at one go...
I wonder if i have fans to my blog...
although i write boring stuff at times...

Another party another bottle of chivas and another hangover....
shall not say much, bottomline i like the feeling of really letting go of myself completely and have fun with my friends...and i did....
sometimes too much good is no good...
Shall tone down when the new year comes....

I realised the impression that i give to people has never really change much over the years...
Its still the happy-go-lucky,nothing seem to trouble me guy to everybody...
Well i hope i am...
If the idiom "Dont judge the book by its cover" is used on me...
I think i have a thick cover...
I am simple but complicates i guess....
Its different with simple but complicated if you get what i mean....

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