Friday, October 26, 2007

My 1st

Time seems so slow suddenly.....
The bad part is working hours feels longer......
The good part is i get to really spent more time to notice the details of every second passing by......
I guess its how you wanna see it......
I got a watch for my birthday and i love it ok!
you people you know who you are, stop saying i will do smth bad with the watch or try to take away the plastic screen protection away from it!!!
I really like the watch,i would have a hard time choosing which one to buy for myself...
I dont really have the habit to wear a watch before and now i do......
Now i always have the tendancy to look at the time which adds as one more factor to aid to the slow moving time....
ok i need to repay my huge sleep debt before i become one of the endangered specie of china and start eating bamboo....

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