Monday, February 11, 2008

Girly Mannnn

Suddenly i feel i lost my blogging skills...
like i dunno how to make a post interesting...
hope by confessing at the very first can spice things up haha!

Well this chinese new year was as usual for me...
except my grandma is not around anymore...

I like the gathering at my place where all of ya turn up and had the cannot finish but yummy steamboat!
So nice of you guys to make time!
Texas hold'em is quite fun!
We should play more texas hold'em next time!
Deryck im so sorry...
Derrick im also sorry....
i shall not explain it here...
so embarrassing....
such things should never happen again!

Natalie, here goes!
Had a gathering at nat's house.
No doubt
Her house is b-e-a-u-tifullllll!!!
And she cooked for us!
Is it roasted chicken?
and pasta, pizza and salad!
and the cheese was good!
Damn nice!!!
and i say it again!
Damn nice!!!
I tell you people the standard was there!
She had it abit burnt stil and stil taste like so good!
cant imagine if shes on fire that day....
I so love your cooking!

Angeline i had fun at your house too!
Your parents and relatives are really nice people!
Thanks for everything that day!
Hope it turn out well in the end for you!

This new year i found out i had a family link with adam!
Oh my wat a small world!
The earth is seriously shrinking by the day!
Hello all the nice cousins and relatives of adam!!
Actually this new year is still quite happenening!
So much food! So much fun! So much mahjong!

Oh my i should be working!

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