Thursday, November 1, 2007

Some Sense

I believe everybody have received chain messages or accidentatly clicked onto links or bulletins with a innocent header and outcome is like:
" You have opened this and you have to repost it in the next 5-10 mins(usually they will say the later you repost it you will get more serious trouble) if not you will lose your boyfriend/girlfriend, a important family member or see some ghost at your bed or how many decades of bad luck. "
plus some past bad experience of those who didt not follow what it says.
(dont worry im not doing a chain on my blog)

No doubt it does send a chill down your spine.
Some people will obey and repost it or forward it to others.
Majority upon seeing such things will curse on it and it also means you ruined that particular person's mood tat day or change his superstitation.
Some will juz ignore and laugh it off.

Imagine you opened something like:
" Congrats you have opened this. You will be in the pink of health! You will get a good job and promotion soon! You are in luck to strike the lottery this month. You are going to meet the love of your life! Your family and friends will be blessed with good fortune! You are going to be successful in whatever you do! All you have to do is to keep this message in your inbox!"

What do you think the majority would do?
The majority would just delete it.
Think its juz a useless message, its a bluff.
Think that such things would not possibly happen to their life at the moment.

Sad isn't it?
The point is in this ever changing and developing fast paced world, the harsh reality is making people become too practical to see the positive of everyday life.
Majority would rather see the negative than the positive.
They would rather repost or forward the bad and delete the good sub-consciously!

So people lets remember often in our daily life...
Thank people who gave you the smallest things or help that are even close to nothing.
Sorry or excuse me even if you sneezed into a empty space.
Do smile it makes a difference!

1 comment:

adam said...

i am negative

i am negative

i am negative