Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hanging over

(LOL liwen you have to try harder)

Woo wat a festive season!
had so much fun!
Love the presents exchange thingy!
i always like the element of surprise!
Had so much chivas nowadays, its like a weekly medication.... sick of it!

Thinking of it the present i got from Qingfang...
i kinda like it!
Firstly the strap is brown! My fav color!
The chocolate box is maroon! Also my fav color!
Thats a big hit la! so qiao you got 2 of my fav color!
But as for the chocolate....
I think because i had it with the heavenly royce chocolate, it made yours ordinary... but stil thanks and i love it!

Adam i muz complain....
where are the photos....
juz because you are the photo director of our club u can be mean la....

I love the photos where we jumped in the air and the poses with attitude!
so wanna share with u ppl!

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