Friday, December 21, 2007

im fine thanks!

Its really different when friends are around....
Feels better and less sad....
Thanks guys!

Haiz guess wat i had a hair cut that sux....
got fooled by the prices on the opening day of the salon....
and that @#$$% gay knows nuts abt cutting hair....
No wonder its worth that price....
Dunno why i had the feeling like im getting plastic surgery when im getting my hair dyed, feels super unnatural and like squeezing into a wrong size jeans....
And foresee-able, the color turn out sucky....
I told him not to cut short at the very start!
And he kept snip and snip...
Quite a big fire was burning inside me plus the frustration of the rubiks cube adding on as fuel earlier on....
I contained the volcano inside me skillfully....

Gosh i look so bad for christmas....
Tell me about the coming new year...

P.S. XY its that salon! ya its that one....@#$@%@#$%% and lastly, #$@#$%$%!#$

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