Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Dark Side

I think i seldom realise that i lose my temper quite easily on my loved onces when i am frustrated and tired...
Over such simple small things like heating up of food i can get mad...
Gosh and i even vent my frustration on my mom...
In the world i think only she can take my nonsense and not say anything abt it...
I feel that im really bad...
must learn how to change that bad habit of mine...
I will give one good reason to it...
Mom and Dad i love you.


Anonymous said...

Wow.. this entry does leave me thinking for a moment. Hey! I'm a culprit too! =(

I realise when come to friends, colleagues, even sometimes the annoying clients =x, I'm always full of patience. However, when I'm at home.. I can get short tempered over small little things.

For the fact that we knew our parents will always be there for us. No matter what we do, they will be always forgiving.


I really gotta change this bad habit! I've spent really little time at home.. So all the more, I should control my temper.

I guess we need some concious effort here! =)

Keith said...

yeah life is so short to frustrate and lose your temper on others....
Looking into the future, we do not know how long our parents can be there for us stil...
Change for the better to all of us!